Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Thank you!

Thank you for following and viewing The Energy Drink Authority’s Blogger account! It's been an amazing semester of learning about SEO, social media, and content marketing. 

Check out this video below as it outline our assignment and how your participation helped!

Thank you, 

Angela Bhoopa & Alex Magee

Thursday, 7 April 2016

Red Bull vs. Gatorade - Red Bull Selfie Contest #7

Red Bull Extreme Selfie Challenge! To keep up with up the world’s emphatic love for pictures of themselves, Red Bull is offering you the chance to submit your most extreme and impressive selfie, and you could win the chance to go to one of Red Bull’s extreme events, such as the Red Bull Cold Rush, RedBull NordiX, Red Bull’s Ender, or any other Red Bull event of your choice!

Anyone can enter! Just submit a photo and proof that the selfie you are submitting is yours, and you will be entered for a chance to win! Red Bull will select the top 100 images they believe are the craziest selfies, and you the people, will get 30 days to vote on which you think is the best selfie.

This contest will be open to Facebook and Twitter. Submit your photos there and mark it with the hashtag, ‘#RedBullSelfieChallenge’ to make it count. The contest starts May 1st, 2016, and ends June 1st, 2016. Voting starts June 10th, and goes to the 25th. After that, we pick the candidates, and you vote! Remember, don’t injure or kill yourself trying to get an awesome selfie, it’s not that kind of contest.

We want you, the person reading this to get out there and discover how awesome the world is, and how awesome Red Bull can make it! Enter today!


Red Bull's Extreme Selfie Challenge Poster
Red Bull's Extreme Selfie Challenge

Sunday, 3 April 2016

Red Bull vs. Gatoarde - Fan Pages - Gatorade #6

In this post, we will look at two fan pages for Gatorade. Unfortunately, like Red Bull, we could not find a third fan page on Google+. Regardless, fan pages are pretty basic in the content they provide. The creators, who are usually fans of the product or company, will often post items that the official pages share, retweet fan-made things, or post videos they’ve made in appreciation for the product or company. Fan-made pages are actually disappearing, with the verification system we mentioned before; many fan-made pages can be hard to find. If you are looking for one, search the company with “unofficial” in the search query. Anyhow, some still exist and we managed to find one for Gatorade on Facebook and Twitter.

A fan page for Gatorade on Facebook: LINK

Fun-run Gatorade Facebook
A fan-run page for Gatorade on Facebook

A fan page for Gatorade on Twitter: LINK

Fun-run Gatorade Twitter
A fan-run page for Gatorade on Twitter

Saturday, 2 April 2016

Blog Post #7 – Powerade Content Marketing.

Blog Post #7 – Powerade Content Marketing.

Powerade needs to create a new campaign in order to attract a new audience and grow their following. Powerade should partner with local sporting teams in order to attract upcoming athletes and their families.

These campaigns can run specifically during that sports season. An example would be basketball campaigns running between October-April.

The goal is to increase followers, likes, and increase interaction with consumers. Due to Powerade’s current trend of promoting products, this is an opportunity to feature athletes drinking their product during games.

The campaign should be run on Twitter and YouTube. Videos can easily be made, posted, and linked on various social media platforms. These videos have a chance to be viral hits, emotional, or entertaining.

This campaign can feature a contest to be the next athlete featured on the Powerade accounts. This will attract athletes from many sports, ages, and even genders.