Saturday, 19 March 2016

Blog Post #3 – Google+

Blog Post #3 – Google+

Monster Energy and Powerade are both on Google+, a great social media platform that has the potential to reach all Google, and Gmail users.

Monster Energy:

Monster Energy mainly uses Google+ to promote their YouTube videos (A new post generally means a new YouTube video/link).

Check out Monster Energy's Google+ page.

The Monster Energy description takes the time to introduce the brands idea to support their endorsed athletes and events instead of their product.

The Monster Energy Google+ page has raked in an astonishing 13M views. The page does not state the amount of followers.


Powerade’s Google+ page has garnered 152 followers from 1.6M page views.

The brand takes the opportunity to use the popular “optimal hydration” key words in their description. The brand successfully shares their presence on social media with links to their Twitter account, Facebook page, YouTube account, and website.  

The brand has not made any posts. The Google+ account simply shares their YouTube videos with their 152 followers.


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