Thursday, 31 March 2016

Red Bull vs. Gatorade - Fan Pages - Red Bull #5

In this post, we will look at two fan pages for Red Bull. Unfortunately, we could not find a third fan page on Google+ for Red Bull. Anyway, fan pages are exactly what they sound like; they are pages created by regular users/customers and fans about a specific product, company or item they like. In this case, we have a page for Red Bull on Facebook, run by a fan of the company and its products. The other page is a fan run Twitter page for Red Bull. The kind of content you’ll usually find on these pages are links and retweets and posts by the official companies, as well as fan made content that the fan made pages share. These pages can be pretty difficult to find now a days with the verification system that most sites have put in place so customers can find the legitimate companies pages, but if you want to find a fan page, searching for the company name and “unofficial” is usually the best way.

A fan page for Red Bull on Facebook: LINK
Fun-run Facebook
A fan-run Red Bull Page on Facebook

A fan page for Red Bull on Twitter: LINK
Fan-run Twitter
A fan-run Red Bull Page on Twitter

1 comment:

  1. Great links to the Red Bull fan pages! will be sure to check them out and like these fan pages since being a fan of Red Bull- Kunal Grover
